Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lord..i come boldly before YOUR throne...

COME BOLDLY -by Mary Alessi

The pardon is granted the prisoner free
My past is forgiven now your calling me
To come boldly, I come boldly
Master redeemer Savior friend
I know you are waiting to usher me into the holy of Holies

I come boldly before Your throne
I come boldly Your throne
By the blood of the Lamb my sins are atoned
I come boldly before Your throne
For the veil has been torn away
Night has turned into day
Now I have found a way to come boldly before your throne.

Bless me now my Savior
I come to Thee

i praise the LORD  and worship HIM, for HE is faithful and loving GOD...HE deserve to be Praise forever and ever, amen.


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