Sunday, July 31, 2011

God is With us...

we like to ask God with this question..."why God?"...."why this happened to me? it seem like You are not with me"..."why i have to go through many temptation...many my life?".....why this & why that.... well, it is not wrong to ask God "WHY", but it is useless if we keep asking God but did not turn our heart, eyes and ears to hear what the LORD saying to us.... 

living in this earth, we have no way to escape from facing circumstances in life... God never gives a promises which tell us that we are free from any trouble in our life... but He did gives us promises which tell us to be strong! for HE will be with us in every single point of our life and be our strenght, stronghold and everything that we need HIM to be in our life to stand firm in any trouble that we are facing today.....thats our GOD:) when you facing your trouble today, call upon HIM for HE is always with you and HE will hear u...i tell you...GOD will never too late for you:) just believe.

sometime my life seems uncontrolled-irregular.. but God always remind me.."dont worry, everything is in MY control, I am with you"..... God want us to believe HIm that HE always be with us, HE always in control in our life, HE can do anything which is impossible for us to do.  So, let us come  & surrender to HIm, draw near to HIM & He will draw near to FAITH & HIS grace, HE will makes all things new and heal you again & again.. for HE is FAITHFUL.

GOD is LOVE... HE loves all HIS childrens...with unconditional love.... meaning that, who ever you are, what ever you have done, tired of your problem or sin, and as you choose to come to the LORD with your broken heart and who you are...HIS hands always open for you to come to HIM, it doesn't stop there, HE will hold YOU tightly in His arms to comfort u, loved u, forgive you and wash away all the dark spot in your life.... thats the meaning of the cross were JESUS died for us..  to welcome all of us who are weary and burdened, and HE will give us rest......

There is no confusion with the LORD, confusion is the work of the devil which tried very hard to stop God's children to come to HIS presence, it will build a gap to come to the Father & it build doubt in your heart to believe HIM... but the LORD, is always there to set you free from all the confusion, for HE is the TRUTH, the WAY and the LIGHT.....believe in HiM and HE will make a way for you. Amen. 

p/s:  God miss you & loves you so strong and have faith in any circumstance in your life. For GOd is with us. keep praying for each other, whoever you are, wherever you are. :) Praise the LORD, HE deserve all the glory forevermore. amen.

reference from the bible:
* Joshua 1: 9. * 2 Peter 3:9 * matthew 11:28. * 1 John 1:9 * John 14:6 * 2 chorinthians 5:17.*matthew 19:26. * 1 John 4:7-10.* Jeremiah 31:3. * 2 Timotius 2:13. 

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Greatest is L.O.V.E....

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. [John 3:16] 

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
[ 1 corinthians 13:13 ]

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
[ john 15: 13 ]

watch more Christians video on

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Yesus penjunan ku...

as i woke up diz morning, the chorus of this song keep playing in my heart... after i finished all my homework.. i went to my lappy and search for this song, & thank God i found it ^---^V.... i bless you all with this songs.. because it blessed me too...  yes, Jesus You are my potter...

Bagaikan bejana ditangan penjunan
demikian hidupku ditanganMU
bentuklah seturut rencana dan kehendakMu oh Tuhan..dihidupku
akupun kan setia
dalam panggilan kudusMu ya Tuhan
karena Engkau tlah setia
sejak dulu Engkau selalu ada menyertai aku

Engkau raja....Engkau Tuhan
bertahtahlah dalam hatiku
takkan pernah....sedetikpun 
kuserahkan hidupku kepada yg lain
selain Kau Yesus penjunanku

By: Wawan Yap

Monday, July 25, 2011

One moment...

a moment that changes evrything... is the moment when i come to HIm alone... a moment which surrounded by HIS presence, HIS glory, HIS compassion, HIS love, HIS Passion....nothing else can fix up my broken heart & my broken spirit, which broked by many things in this life on the earth that full of trouble and temptation... "they" never stop, but trying very hard to destroy me who belong to the LORd's alone.... but HE told me to not give up but hold on to HIM....He is my Lord...Jesus Christ...  His blood have redeemed me... nothing else i can says... but i just have to

Sunday, July 24, 2011

YOU are the reason...

I have never walked on water
Felt the waves beneath my feet but
At Your word Lord, I’ll receive Your
Faith to walk on oceans deep

And I remember how You found me
In that very same place
All my failing surely would have drowned me
But You made a way

You are my freedom
Jesus You’re the reason
I’m kneeling again at Your throne
Where would I be without You
Here in my life, here in my life?

You have said that all the heavens
Sing for joy at one who finds
The way to freedom, truth of Jesus
Bought from death into His life

And I remember how You saw me
Through the eyes of Your grace
And though the cost was Your Beloved for me
Still You made a way!

You are my freedom
Jesus You’re the reason
I’m kneeling again at Your throne
Where would I be without You
Here in my life, here in my life?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

OUR Prayer....For You Are Great....


YES..Father Lord there is no other like You...Only You are the greatest in Our life!!
oh, our Father of heaven...we need YOU.. we feel the cried of many people shouting and needs YOUR
 hand.. oh,Lord, they want healing, they want freedom in their life, they need salvation, the need a way to
come out from their darkness life... they need Your light.. they need Your love...they search everywhere but couldn't find it! because their eyes were closed..., their ears were deaf to hear..., their heart were closing for YOU... oh, Lord forgive us our sin.. forgive us...with the love for Your people & with humble heart we come to Your presence and pray for all of your people... by Your spirit we believe that YOUR power is unlimited... and You will open their eyes to see you... You will open their ears to hear Your voice... You will touched their heart to receive Your love for them... because YOU are Great...YoU do miracle so Great...we need no others but Only YOU....all glory for You Father...let Your will be done in earth as in the heaven....this is our prayer & believed in Jesus Name.. Amen.

wat a babysitter do??...

ummpp...quite a tired day yesterday.  my sister and I went to the top of the hill which located near to our living place... for wat?? >>jogging<< haha..i thank God because i still enjoy my day. well, i still love my yesterday..God always made my day so beautiful and intresting in any situation!!...since May i was in my semester break until this september. so during this holiday.. thats my job... babysitting my 3 nephews... so, i am a babysitter..heehee...i tell u.. its not easy... my nephews is 2 years old and, they are active.. ermm not active but hyperactive!!..sometime i just have to really control my emotion, if not i just can explode!! during my first week to do this job.. i just want to give up....i got emotional distraction bcause of this kids  hahaha.... but, after almost 2 months do the same work.. i think haha... not to say expert .. but

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bapa Sentuh Hatiku...

last night i dream about this song, in my dream i was sing this song with someone & for someone... emm maybe just a dream..O-0... as i woke up, this song still playing in my heart and i keep continue to sing:) its wonderful song.... Father...touched my heart... I really need you in every second of my life T-T...

I praise the Lord, & i give thanks to the Father of Heaven For a great moment at church this morning. an extraordinary worship just flowing through out my heart by the lead of Holy Spirit and He brings me closer to HIS presence...i love to be at Your House Lord... its better One Day to be at Your presence then Thousand day to be at other place in this world..... its true.... nothing else can satisfy me when i thirst and hunger, nothing else can really healed my hurts..Only God's love that touched my deepest heart can do it...i'm sure HE will do the same for you too..for HE is our Great & perfect Father in the heaven....His loves never stop for us....:) thank You Father...Halleluyah!
God bless all of u:)

Saturday, July 16, 2011


God always give me a great day, i will not realize it if He is not working on me. but because HE does, even though it was a hot day, i still feel it is great day>thank You Lord, that's my God, always make things unusual.i love HIM so much;) 

yes, it was a very very hot day today, its not the same like the day before. today i just can't be still with the heat in my room. it was 4.00 pm, and still hot... ow, then i did complain it on twitter. hahaha:D.... then i closed my laptop and try to take some rest (meaning..go to sleep) hihi... then i said to the Lord : "Lord, let there be a rain"....i closed my eyes... almost fall into deep sleep... then suddently... "dummm..dumm...dummm..shhhhhhhhhissssss".... "is it a rain???" ohh, its raining outside!!! ohhhh, AWESOME GOD!!;D You did hear my prayer. haha can't says a words anymore... just, amazed and thankful for the rain....oh, this is a great day!!our GOD is an awesome God! Halleluyah! 

diz story is not just stop there, while it was raining outside, suddenly God remind me about the story of the prophet of Elijah. did you ever read about it?  i read it a few weeks ago, and i tell you, his story was powerful! Elijah showed, how powerful is the Faith if we put our FAITH to believe the GOD of Israel. which is the same God... with us, today!
James said in the bible:

"Elijah was a man just like us, He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops." - james 5:17-18

there's another word which i will says the words that full of faith, Elijah said to Ahab a king of Israel which did evil in the eyes of the Lord, he said: 
" As the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word." - 1 king 17:1 
wow! " no rain??except at my word??" thats a bigggg faith!!! 

so Elijah is a man just like us... a dust... but can do such a miracle? how can it be??... the answer is FAITH. He totally=100% believe that GOD can do anything he ask in Faith & i believe his close relationship with GOD also the key which gave him such a powerful faith to believe, because he knows.. really2 knows who is the GOD that he served, until he has no doubt at all. And once again i remind you HE is the same GOD today!!  i love the story which written on the old testament about Elijah [1 king 18:16-46] click diz link to the bible verse:
 it change me a lot after i read it.... you batter take your time to read it, i pray so that u will accept by your spirit on wat the HolySpirit will says to you through the words. GOD bless & b with u. amen.^-^


ok, i it possible for me to sing like diz girl?? hahaha... :D... i just wanna share diz amazing young classical singer, Jackie Evancho (10 years old)... her voice was just... unbelievable!! how can diz small little girl come out with dat voice... ?? oh, How great is YOUR Work God. ^-^ 

she was one of the contestant of "American got talent".... Her voice has touched deeply into my heart, "pie Jesu" was the title for the song she sing at the video.For the first time to hear the song, i don't understand wat the meaning of the song but her voice was so amazed me.. i tried google about the song & i found it!

"pie Jesu'
Merciful Jesus, Merciful Jesus, Merciful Jesus, Merciful Jesus
You who take away the sins of the world
Grant them peace
Grant them everlasting peace

Lamb of god, lamb of god, lamb of god, lamb of god
You who take away the sins of the world
Grant them peace
Grant them everlasting peace
Everlasting, peace everlasting

beautiful..amazing...awesome....  ^-^ 
one of my passion is singing, to sing and shout to the Lord and praising and worship HIM with my voice that out from my deepest heart is the most that can satisfy me forever. because there, i feel the work of HIS spirit, loves and compassion. it's just Awesome & powerful, no words can describe that moment. its all because God is truly awesome God :)

it was last night, while filling up my free time watching diz girl on you tube, I ask God: " God, is it possible for me to sing for you like diz girl?" hahaha funny huh... but, i learned something from it.. the worship is come & flow from who you are.. meaning.. start from your deepest heart.which is broken by many awful thing  in your life, needs the Lord's hand to touch u, hold u , heal u and fill u again and again with HIS spirit & loves. the song that u sing is the cried of your heart, with ur spirit that truly thirst and hunger after the LORD's presence, and God in the heaven heard the cried of HIS people and never  too late to give HIS hand to save u. Sometime it just happen when we deeply cried for other people.. and worship & praise to the Lord will  make all things change! with no condition but only give your heart of worship and come to HIM:) we worship Him because of who HE is and HE deserve to be worship & praise forevermore.wonderful right? heehee

ok, this video is when Jackie was 7 years old...sang the phantom of oprah? thats cute^-^!.. i think that time is her beginning to keep working on her vocal...and the work hard she made a long her journey as a young girl bring her for who she is right now... 
from this little girl, i can see the work of God and i'm blessed. i can says that as long as she keep working on her talent , believe in God and give glory to God only, there's wonderful thing can happen. 
halleluyah!^-^ hv a blessed day all! 


Friday, July 15, 2011


twitt...twitt...twitt...TWITTER!...hahaha... wat a dream, i thought i will never join the twitt,twitt thing... but now, u can find me on twitter..hoho 0-o...well... not bad actually but twitter is cool & cute ~o~!.so, Follow me on twitter![!/SuviniaLikun] ^-^v

Today, i dont know wat to share...just want to thank God for everything. for the great day, great food, great time with HIM...many more... sometime i just feel so tired, physically & spiritually. but God is my strength. i cannot see HIM but, i just can feel His presence that healed me. HE is more.... more than wat i could ever imagine. His love is more....oh, i love you Father. I love You Jesus. I love You HolySpirit. :) thank YOU. in YOUR arms i feel protected.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


For a sudden today,  i realize dat, the most difficult thing to do in my life is... to BELIEVE. which equal to FAITH!.... well, its easy to hear, to see, and accept the words of GOd.. its easy to say " i believe"....yes, i know the meaning wat the bible is talking about...... but, do I TRULY believe the Words of GOD??? do i really believe that the Lord is with me?? do I realley believe and have faith that God will work in all my prayer?? ...........if i do..why i still worried with many things in my life... fear? sometime bigger in me....O-0

Oh, the fear came to me, doubt surrounded my mind. I thought, it is natural for me to doubt or fear..well,because i'm still a human not an angel or god or something that 100% perfect....somehow its true.... but, day by day... when i get to know HIM more.... the fact became untrue to me....yes, I cannot stop from worrying or doubt of somthing, but....when the doubt or fear became the giant inside me... it seem not right cause me to put aside my bible... leave my prayer foundation....and focusing my eyes to the doubt & worry..and just can see wat i see...  that's wat doubt and fear did to me...its awefull.... somehow, i still can pray, but because im not believe with to many things like.. forgiveness from God about my sin at past... and not believe that God will answer my prayer... dats it, i cannot see my prayer works.... seem like my prayer just came out from my mouth like a wind, that did nothing.... soo useless.... but, dat proved what is written in the bible is true.... 

" but when he ask, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is double-minded man, unstable in all he does."
[james 1:6-8]

it will not just stop there=) God did not abandoned me, He never stop to calling me..though i always try to run from HIm {unfaithful}.....but, He is faithfull... still faithfull with full of love...for that, in HIS time, during my prayer time, i realize dat i became unfaithfull to HIM for a long time...the first thing i do fear and humble heart, i ask for forgiveness...its not by my strengh to do dat but HIS that time,faith directly came to me...and HIS Holy spirit touched my heart and spirit... the Faith is just powerfull to me because it bring me closer by believing that The Lord is there with me and i feel HIS loves ...there's battle between my flesh and my spirit.. but the faith keep me strong. the Faith that came from God, made me feel the unreal & unseen of HIs presence became so real to me and HIS presence healed me... its so wonderfull and precious time in His presence...I am broken when i came to HIm,.but HE fixed me up!! i cannot see it, but my faith from the Holy One tell me HE did...yes, He really did healed me, and now i am new creation in HIM!!its awesome!! just have to believe.

all the doubt and fear became nothing to me after that day, yes, i still feel the fear & worry... but, I praise the Lord because God has given me the SHEILD OF FAITH to attack all the devil sound that brings me to doubt. so that i still can stand when it atacking me. How important is the shield of faith? its written in the bible: " take up the shield of faith, with which  you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.." (eph 6:16) so, its powerfull! once again, it just can work by the power of the Holy One. Have faith that God is bigger than anything in this world!thats the key!

Now i understand the meaning of the important & power of faith which shared by bro freddy during prayer meeting at GP a few month ago. actuly not just brother, there are many poeple already share about the power of Faith..i feel that the meaning of this powerful weapon will not stop here, but there are more and its like a hidden treasure that i have to seek and find more deeper in the long as u havent feel and experience it by ur own self, u will never get the exact meaning wat i am talking about..heehee:)

Now, i believe that the power of the holy spirit revealed the meaning of the power of faith to me,  yes the key is to believe. when we pray, we need faith to believe that God will answer our prayer... to get the salvation, we need to believe that God has give HIS Son JESUS to died for our sin... even to do anything small or big we need faith! to reach any destination, we used our faith to believe that we will reach our destination. FAITH will push you to move forward!! if you dont have faith, fear will overcome and its stop your step to move forward... sure, u dont want to be like dat.

" but the man who has doubts is condemmed if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and evrything that does not come from faith is sin." {rome 14:23}

see....the bible relate faith with a small act...<eating>... to eat something also we need faith???.... oh how much more we need faith to do something big??.....have attention on diz: "anything u do out of faith is SIN". lastly, also keep diz in your mind & heart.. the bible also written, faith without any action is dead!!.... so not just believe but do, in evrything you do... have faith & be strong! ^-^

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.." [hebrews 11:1]

" and without faith it is impossible to pleased God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exist and that he rewards those who earneslty seek Him."
[hebrews 11:6]

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


yesterday story.. Praise the Lord! everything was done, house cleaned up, food was ready, the kids sleeping.. now its my time!! nothing to do, so i went to my room and turn on my laptop...searching for a movie..hehe... 0-o,...lots of movies copied from my frends...but only one movie that i'm captivated by its story.. its "THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA"... yes, again for 3rd time i think.. i watch diz movie...haha.. i dont know la..i superlike diz movie.. know why? i love the way they delivered a message from diz movie... actually, if u realize the massage was not an ordinary message... but, it touched spiritually [diz wat i felt personally after i  finish watching it] so, i love to share it^-^

from diz movie I've learned about: *temptation, *faith, * purpose, *envy& jealousy,....

lets talk about TEMPTATION & FAITH, a script said by Coriakin {one of the characters}: 
" it will do everything in it's power to tempt you, be strong. don't fall into temptations. To defeat the darkness out there, you must defeat the darkness inside yourself..."
wow i love it,  yes its true.. temptation can be in the term of lust, money, hatred, power to rule...many more...the world & evil, try  harder to defeat us because they didn't like us to come to the Father, they want to steal us to be one of them. But, it would not happen because Jesus has died for us & now we got authority to defeat them. In the first Narnia, Aslan(the lion) was sacrificed to save the Kingdom of Narnia, for that Lucy & Edmund put a hope & faith to Aslan which they believe that Aslan will help them to fight the enemy even though they cannot see Aslan, but their Faith has brings victory!! so, be strong when you are tempted. just Hold on to your Faith.
" ..God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted. he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.." [1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV]

Ok, now lets move on to PURPOSE , look at the boy. his name is Eustace, Lucy' & Edmund's cousin. Eustace kind of mmm annoying, selfish, never stop talking & owez defend his own self :)uhu! honestly, my first perception  about diz boy was diz boy will do nothing & useless because of his bad attitude.... But, u know.. he is chosen to be one of the rescuer. well, he never know it & started to blame his cousin for bringing him to the unbelievable world.

later, while this boy was walking alone at the island where they'll stuck, he found a place that full of treasure, but unfortunately, a spell attacking him and turn him into... a dragon! wow thats awesome! haha..:D
 at the end of this story, Eustace was the one who put the last 7 sword to break the spell which covered the entire kingdom.  
 haha.. now we see.. from annoying boy... became the one who save the kingdom?? unbelievable!!:D

So, now maybe you didn't know why you are here today or why all those people being part of your life story?  but GOD knows..wherever you are standing right now...  GOD has HIS own purpose for you, and surely for His Glory to be appear and to give you bright future, not just for you but also to the people around you.... you might not understand, but if you seek HIM and know Him... you will understand:)

Next is JEALOUSY&ENVY, you are said to be jealous or envy when you have the feeling of wanting to be in the same situation as somebody else.. or you want to have what others has. This situation happened to Lucy. she not satisfied with her beauty or look. she feel that her sister is more beautiful until she want to be just like her sister. 
she found  a spell which help her to reveal the person who she want to be. bad dream appeared after she read the spell, and Aslan came and talk to her.. 
i like the dialog between Lucy's and Aslan after what Lucy did for herself. 
Aslan: what have you done child?
Lucy: i don't know, but that was awful.
Aslan: but you chose it, lucy.
Lucy: i didn't mean to choose all that. I just wanted to be as beautiful like Susan.
Aslan: You wished yourself away, and with it, much more. your brothers and sister wouldn't know Narnia without you, Lucy. You discovered it first, remember?
Lucy: I'm so sorry.
Aslan: you doubt your value, don't run from who you are.

"don't run from who you are"... oh,i love this statement! its true... GOD, just love the way who we are.. HE didn't want us to be somebody else, because HE created us wonderfully , HE love just the way who we are.. if we try to be somebody else, we might delay GOD purpose in our life...  you are special just the way you are:)

wow, long story huh..;D haha.. anyway, diz movie is awesome.. better watch it if you haven't watch ... no regret:) but blessed! Praise the Lord. looking forward for the next Narnia ^-^ have a bless day.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Armor of God

i ever blamed others when i fall into temptation, when i get into problem or trouble. i ever said: " o its all because of the person i fall into this trouble"... i point to a things, i blame that and this... without realizing the truth that God has taught me in the bible...huh!EGO [ Edging God out ] thats who i am at that time.. heehee.... and i ever ask God: "why??why? i fall into this temptation?? ooo God help me!!" ahaha.. if u see my face at that time.. o no, u will see an ugly face wit a tears from eyes and nose...hahaha...but actualy, i cannot blame anybody because the end results  is base on wat i chooses.  so if i know the end result is not good and bring disaster in my life, i can resist to choose the wrong direction or in other way just follow it and take the end result. so wat can i say? hoho o_O.... but there's one thing that i've learned from the bible... why most of the time i choose the wrong path??and fall into temptation?? i think i know why... its because i forgot to wear the full armor of God....  

This is the truth from the bible: Ephesians 6: 12-18 written,
"for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the power of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. stand firm then,with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. in addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. and pray in the spirit on all occasionss with all kinds of prayers and requests.

so, it is not just because of the person, but its begin from the "unseen" things which only can be seen and feel spiritually....fight with the "unseen" we have to wear the full Armor of GOD and only by the Mighty ONE POWER ...let us examine our self... are we wearing the full armor of God today? or we just neglected one of the Armor?.... 

Recently, i read a book about the battle of life by Jesse Duplantis. His book is just simple but has taught me a lot about the battle that i'am facing in my life. Most people are in a battle because the world is full of trouble. well, if you ever think that you are Christian you will not get into are wrong! totally wrong. Furthermore, our Lord Jesus never said that you will never get into problem or circumstance in your life, but HE did said "be strong"  and  He said," blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.." [ James 1: 12 NIV] 

So, there will be trial or circumstance in our life, but do not worry because in [1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV]written : " ..God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted. he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.." so, just hold on to Jesus and fight it with faith and all armor that God gave us. 

Jesse Duplantis also stated that, The battle may not be your choices, but the outcome is! for the first time i read the sentence i just dont get the meaning. but after i read further, now i understand... by using David as a model. yea, who like be in the battle? maybe just a few person will say yes. but we have to accept the reality that we know that there will be battle in our life, meaning that we cannot just stay there and do nothing like waiting the enemy to kill us? or you choose to run from your enemy?? o no, it will keep chasing you.... unless you go facing your giant or enemy and kill it. like wat David did when He was facing Goliath. 

Its true that we might not choose to be in the battle, but we still have to facing it and gain victory in our life in Jesus mighty name!! if not we just put our self under the enemy control. maybe you think you are small, but with God, Nothing is impossible!! you have to be really strong to be in the battle, you cannot fight without any preparation, or you will be die. so thats why we need to put on the full ARMOR of GOD!!  who are the enemies??.... the devil! the BIG liar!! he started by whispering and bring you to doubt about God words and HIS promised to you, making you stress, self pity, hate, inpatient, unforgivable, unloving, making trouble, choose to do sin.... the devil lead you to choose the fruit of flesh that will set you apart  from GOD. but remember the devil is an enemy of God. He hates God and attacks His children to hurt the FATHER. keep in our heart and mind that, Jesus already died for us and we have been given authority over the devil. Fight the devil with all Armour of God = by faith, words of GOD,& Prayer. amen.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

o be carefull little eyes what you see

ok lets going back to sunday school season... hi kids! this is the song dat we gonna sing today... "o be carefull little eyes what you see" ....  hehe, just kidding. but yes i will share about this songs. yea, children songs but the meaning of the songs was just true... enjoy ;)

the truth is, life is not easy. well, welcome to the world!!!dat full of trouble. honestly, everyday i felt dat my life is in the battle... just because on what i had seen, wat i had heard, wat i had in my mind, where i stand, and wat i had said to people... all that's, bring me to the battle of my life... wat i mean about the battle is that, to stand on my faith to believe that God is with me when there were troubles { doubt easily come when i worried & fear about something} , to believe dat God has loved me & forgive my sin {its hard when i look to my past & when i did something wrong then ask for forgiveness},  to love and forgive others { not easy to forgive your enemy}, to resist all the evil desire in my heart & my mind {temptation they always find a way to kill me, i hate it!}...... seem like it is too hard for me to go through it, but the awesome things is that, i can do all things with my LORD..yeepee:) im weak but HE is my strength and my shelter and my stronghold!! ;)... and the Lord said, "be not worry, know that with GOD all things are possible and remember that without ME you can do nothing!" halleluyah!

PROVERBS 4: 20-27 (NIV)

My, son, pay attention to what I say;
listen closely to my words.
Do not let them out of your sight,
keep them within your heart;
for they are life to those who find them
and health to a man's whole body.
Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is wellspring of life.
Put away perversity from your mouth;
keep corrupt talk far from your lips.
Let your eyes look straight ahead,
fix your gaze directly before you.
make level paths for your feet
and take only ways that are firm.
Do not swerve to the right or the left;
keep your foot from evil.

Monday, July 4, 2011

voice of truth

Oh,what I would do to have
the kind of faith it takes
To climb out of this boat I'm in
Onto the crashing waves
To step out of my comfort zone
Into the realm of the unknown
Where Jesus is,
And he's holding out his hand

But the waves are calling out my name
and they laugh at me
Reminding me of all the times
I've tried before and failed
The waves they keep on telling me
time and time again
"Boy, you'll never win,
You you'll never win
But the Voice of truth tells me a different story
the Voice of truth says "do not be afraid!"
and the Voice of truth says "this is for My glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the Voice of truth

Oh, what I would do
to have the kind of strength it takes
To stand before a giant
with just a sling and a stone
Surrounded by the sound
of a thousand warriors
shaking in their armor
Wishing they'd have had the strength to stand

But the giant's calling out
my name and he laughs at me
Reminding me of all the times
I've tried before and failed
The giant keeps on telling me
time and time again
"Boy you'll never win,
you'll never win."

But the voice of truth tells me a different story
the Voice of truth says "do not be afraid!"
and the Voice of truth says "this is for My glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the Voice of truth

But the stone was just the right size
to put the giant on the ground
and the waves they don't seem so high
from on top of them looking down
I will soar with the wings of eagles
when I stop and listen to the sound of Jesus
singing over me

But the Voice of truth tells me a different story
The Voice of truth says "do not be afraid!"
And the Voice of truth says "this is for my glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me (calling out to me)
I will choose to listen and believe (I will choose to listen and believe)
I will choose to listen and believe the Voice of truth

I will listen and believe
I will listen and believe the Voice of truth
I will listen and believe
'Cause Jesus you are the Voice of truth
And I will listen to you.. oh you are the Voice of truth

by:casting crown

Friday, July 1, 2011

you are special

punchinello's story is written by Max Lucado in his book, "You are special." i haven't read his book yet, but i found diz video, and it tell a lot about the story, i love it and it touched. i hope i can have 1 next time ^-^  just enjoy watching diz video and learn something from it., oh, before i forget, please pray first before u watch it.God bless :)

YES, you are special. Whoever you are, whatever it is, and what ever weaknesses you have, you are still special. well, i'm not talking about being special in human eyes, but the great thing is that, you are special in God sight. WOW! is it God? almighty God? that created this whole universe? Yes He is. I call Him "Daddy God", who gave His only son Jesus to died for us, just because He so loves us and because we are so special for Him, furthermore, HE made you with no mistake at all....  so don't be sad when you feel you are so nothing to other, its just your feeling dear:) i ever feel it before, not once, but many time. but i praise the Lord, because HE taught me to overcome all the feeling, it happened when i surrender to His will and His perfect plan in my life, and i let go everything that seem bad in me. so, now i can accept just who i am and let God be everything in me:) 

maybe people can judge u, and they can talk anything about u. but, only God know the truth, because only HIM can see throughly in your heart. "clearly"! because He made your heart too;) He made us soo special, just like when a man baking a cake for his family, of coz he try his very best to bake a very beautiful and delicious and special cake ever, just to make his family happy. same like God, but He is perfect, He made you for a great purpose not to harm u, i'm sure HE want you to bring HIS love's with the happiness, peace, hope and joy to the world. maybe you see your self  hopeless, but hey, a great change & great transformation will happen  in your family, church ,school, even your country, through u when u believe that God is everything in u....
u & I are special because God made us wonderfully, and because Jesus Christ live in u & me....God bless:)

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,    "plans prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future..." - jeremiah 29:11


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