Saturday, July 16, 2011


ok, i it possible for me to sing like diz girl?? hahaha... :D... i just wanna share diz amazing young classical singer, Jackie Evancho (10 years old)... her voice was just... unbelievable!! how can diz small little girl come out with dat voice... ?? oh, How great is YOUR Work God. ^-^ 

she was one of the contestant of "American got talent".... Her voice has touched deeply into my heart, "pie Jesu" was the title for the song she sing at the video.For the first time to hear the song, i don't understand wat the meaning of the song but her voice was so amazed me.. i tried google about the song & i found it!

"pie Jesu'
Merciful Jesus, Merciful Jesus, Merciful Jesus, Merciful Jesus
You who take away the sins of the world
Grant them peace
Grant them everlasting peace

Lamb of god, lamb of god, lamb of god, lamb of god
You who take away the sins of the world
Grant them peace
Grant them everlasting peace
Everlasting, peace everlasting

beautiful..amazing...awesome....  ^-^ 
one of my passion is singing, to sing and shout to the Lord and praising and worship HIM with my voice that out from my deepest heart is the most that can satisfy me forever. because there, i feel the work of HIS spirit, loves and compassion. it's just Awesome & powerful, no words can describe that moment. its all because God is truly awesome God :)

it was last night, while filling up my free time watching diz girl on you tube, I ask God: " God, is it possible for me to sing for you like diz girl?" hahaha funny huh... but, i learned something from it.. the worship is come & flow from who you are.. meaning.. start from your deepest heart.which is broken by many awful thing  in your life, needs the Lord's hand to touch u, hold u , heal u and fill u again and again with HIS spirit & loves. the song that u sing is the cried of your heart, with ur spirit that truly thirst and hunger after the LORD's presence, and God in the heaven heard the cried of HIS people and never  too late to give HIS hand to save u. Sometime it just happen when we deeply cried for other people.. and worship & praise to the Lord will  make all things change! with no condition but only give your heart of worship and come to HIM:) we worship Him because of who HE is and HE deserve to be worship & praise forevermore.wonderful right? heehee

ok, this video is when Jackie was 7 years old...sang the phantom of oprah? thats cute^-^!.. i think that time is her beginning to keep working on her vocal...and the work hard she made a long her journey as a young girl bring her for who she is right now... 
from this little girl, i can see the work of God and i'm blessed. i can says that as long as she keep working on her talent , believe in God and give glory to God only, there's wonderful thing can happen. 
halleluyah!^-^ hv a blessed day all! 


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