Sunday, July 31, 2011

God is With us...

we like to ask God with this question..."why God?"...."why this happened to me? it seem like You are not with me"..."why i have to go through many temptation...many my life?".....why this & why that.... well, it is not wrong to ask God "WHY", but it is useless if we keep asking God but did not turn our heart, eyes and ears to hear what the LORD saying to us.... 

living in this earth, we have no way to escape from facing circumstances in life... God never gives a promises which tell us that we are free from any trouble in our life... but He did gives us promises which tell us to be strong! for HE will be with us in every single point of our life and be our strenght, stronghold and everything that we need HIM to be in our life to stand firm in any trouble that we are facing today.....thats our GOD:) when you facing your trouble today, call upon HIM for HE is always with you and HE will hear u...i tell you...GOD will never too late for you:) just believe.

sometime my life seems uncontrolled-irregular.. but God always remind me.."dont worry, everything is in MY control, I am with you"..... God want us to believe HIm that HE always be with us, HE always in control in our life, HE can do anything which is impossible for us to do.  So, let us come  & surrender to HIm, draw near to HIM & He will draw near to FAITH & HIS grace, HE will makes all things new and heal you again & again.. for HE is FAITHFUL.

GOD is LOVE... HE loves all HIS childrens...with unconditional love.... meaning that, who ever you are, what ever you have done, tired of your problem or sin, and as you choose to come to the LORD with your broken heart and who you are...HIS hands always open for you to come to HIM, it doesn't stop there, HE will hold YOU tightly in His arms to comfort u, loved u, forgive you and wash away all the dark spot in your life.... thats the meaning of the cross were JESUS died for us..  to welcome all of us who are weary and burdened, and HE will give us rest......

There is no confusion with the LORD, confusion is the work of the devil which tried very hard to stop God's children to come to HIS presence, it will build a gap to come to the Father & it build doubt in your heart to believe HIM... but the LORD, is always there to set you free from all the confusion, for HE is the TRUTH, the WAY and the LIGHT.....believe in HiM and HE will make a way for you. Amen. 

p/s:  God miss you & loves you so strong and have faith in any circumstance in your life. For GOd is with us. keep praying for each other, whoever you are, wherever you are. :) Praise the LORD, HE deserve all the glory forevermore. amen.

reference from the bible:
* Joshua 1: 9. * 2 Peter 3:9 * matthew 11:28. * 1 John 1:9 * John 14:6 * 2 chorinthians 5:17.*matthew 19:26. * 1 John 4:7-10.* Jeremiah 31:3. * 2 Timotius 2:13. 

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