Friday, July 15, 2011


twitt...twitt...twitt...TWITTER!...hahaha... wat a dream, i thought i will never join the twitt,twitt thing... but now, u can find me on twitter..hoho 0-o...well... not bad actually but twitter is cool & cute ~o~!.so, Follow me on twitter![!/SuviniaLikun] ^-^v

Today, i dont know wat to share...just want to thank God for everything. for the great day, great food, great time with HIM...many more... sometime i just feel so tired, physically & spiritually. but God is my strength. i cannot see HIM but, i just can feel His presence that healed me. HE is more.... more than wat i could ever imagine. His love is more....oh, i love you Father. I love You Jesus. I love You HolySpirit. :) thank YOU. in YOUR arms i feel protected.

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thank you for your response,God bless you^-^V


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