Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bapa Sentuh Hatiku...

last night i dream about this song, in my dream i was sing this song with someone & for someone... emm maybe just a dream..O-0... as i woke up, this song still playing in my heart and i keep continue to sing:) its wonderful song.... Father...touched my heart... I really need you in every second of my life T-T...

I praise the Lord, & i give thanks to the Father of Heaven For a great moment at church this morning. an extraordinary worship just flowing through out my heart by the lead of Holy Spirit and He brings me closer to HIS presence...i love to be at Your House Lord... its better One Day to be at Your presence then Thousand day to be at other place in this world..... its true.... nothing else can satisfy me when i thirst and hunger, nothing else can really healed my hurts..Only God's love that touched my deepest heart can do it...i'm sure HE will do the same for you too..for HE is our Great & perfect Father in the heaven....His loves never stop for us....:) thank You Father...Halleluyah!
God bless all of u:)

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