Monday, July 25, 2011

One moment...

a moment that changes evrything... is the moment when i come to HIm alone... a moment which surrounded by HIS presence, HIS glory, HIS compassion, HIS love, HIS Passion....nothing else can fix up my broken heart & my broken spirit, which broked by many things in this life on the earth that full of trouble and temptation... "they" never stop, but trying very hard to destroy me who belong to the LORd's alone.... but HE told me to not give up but hold on to HIM....He is my Lord...Jesus Christ...  His blood have redeemed me... nothing else i can says... but i just have to
believe in HIM then i will save in HIS arms....

My Shelter... my Stronghold.... my All in All.... when i thirst and hunger for HIS love... HE filled me with HIS great loves..... i've never found a man that can really filled up my emptiness...this is the truth.... nobody can really filled me with love and care... no one... but i truly found it in HIM alone....  i think about many things that happened in my life... and think of many people in my life that i loved....i think about how GOD works through me and others so amazingly....oh, thank HIM for all of that....the thirts and hunger for HIS loves became greater in me.....and now i realize that..... i miss HIM so much... i misss HIM sooo much... thats the only word i can tell HIM... that i miss HIM so much..... i cannot hold my tears from dropping down to my face... for i really miss HIM and love HIM.... as the words came out through my spirit to my mouth... the word seem alive... i feel HIS presence directly came and surrounded me with HIS love.. oh, how wonderfull is that... when you give your time for HIM to fill all the emptiness in your LIFE...its so wonderfull and amazing...personally, it was the most precious moment in my life... and for sure.. it doesnt stop there.. but, HE want that moment continually alive in me and sure in you too.... a moment that will change everything only can be found in JESUS alone.... these are the words that HE said for me and you:

".....blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be conforted.
blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
blessed are those who hunger and 
thirst for righteouseness,
for they will be filled.
blessed are the merciful,
for they will shown mercy.
blessed are the pure heart,
for they will see God.
blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
blessed are those who are persecuted
because of righteousness,
for thiers is the Kingdom of heaven......"
Matthew 5: 3-10
..You are my freedom....Jesus You are the reason...Im kneeling again at YOUR throne..

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