Thursday, July 28, 2011

Yesus penjunan ku...

as i woke up diz morning, the chorus of this song keep playing in my heart... after i finished all my homework.. i went to my lappy and search for this song, & thank God i found it ^---^V.... i bless you all with this songs.. because it blessed me too...  yes, Jesus You are my potter...

Bagaikan bejana ditangan penjunan
demikian hidupku ditanganMU
bentuklah seturut rencana dan kehendakMu oh Tuhan..dihidupku
akupun kan setia
dalam panggilan kudusMu ya Tuhan
karena Engkau tlah setia
sejak dulu Engkau selalu ada menyertai aku

Engkau raja....Engkau Tuhan
bertahtahlah dalam hatiku
takkan pernah....sedetikpun 
kuserahkan hidupku kepada yg lain
selain Kau Yesus penjunanku

By: Wawan Yap

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thank you for your response,God bless you^-^V


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