Thursday, July 14, 2011


For a sudden today,  i realize dat, the most difficult thing to do in my life is... to BELIEVE. which equal to FAITH!.... well, its easy to hear, to see, and accept the words of GOd.. its easy to say " i believe"....yes, i know the meaning wat the bible is talking about...... but, do I TRULY believe the Words of GOD??? do i really believe that the Lord is with me?? do I realley believe and have faith that God will work in all my prayer?? ...........if i do..why i still worried with many things in my life... fear? sometime bigger in me....O-0

Oh, the fear came to me, doubt surrounded my mind. I thought, it is natural for me to doubt or fear..well,because i'm still a human not an angel or god or something that 100% perfect....somehow its true.... but, day by day... when i get to know HIM more.... the fact became untrue to me....yes, I cannot stop from worrying or doubt of somthing, but....when the doubt or fear became the giant inside me... it seem not right cause me to put aside my bible... leave my prayer foundation....and focusing my eyes to the doubt & worry..and just can see wat i see...  that's wat doubt and fear did to me...its awefull.... somehow, i still can pray, but because im not believe with to many things like.. forgiveness from God about my sin at past... and not believe that God will answer my prayer... dats it, i cannot see my prayer works.... seem like my prayer just came out from my mouth like a wind, that did nothing.... soo useless.... but, dat proved what is written in the bible is true.... 

" but when he ask, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is double-minded man, unstable in all he does."
[james 1:6-8]

it will not just stop there=) God did not abandoned me, He never stop to calling me..though i always try to run from HIm {unfaithful}.....but, He is faithfull... still faithfull with full of love...for that, in HIS time, during my prayer time, i realize dat i became unfaithfull to HIM for a long time...the first thing i do fear and humble heart, i ask for forgiveness...its not by my strengh to do dat but HIS that time,faith directly came to me...and HIS Holy spirit touched my heart and spirit... the Faith is just powerfull to me because it bring me closer by believing that The Lord is there with me and i feel HIS loves ...there's battle between my flesh and my spirit.. but the faith keep me strong. the Faith that came from God, made me feel the unreal & unseen of HIs presence became so real to me and HIS presence healed me... its so wonderfull and precious time in His presence...I am broken when i came to HIm,.but HE fixed me up!! i cannot see it, but my faith from the Holy One tell me HE did...yes, He really did healed me, and now i am new creation in HIM!!its awesome!! just have to believe.

all the doubt and fear became nothing to me after that day, yes, i still feel the fear & worry... but, I praise the Lord because God has given me the SHEILD OF FAITH to attack all the devil sound that brings me to doubt. so that i still can stand when it atacking me. How important is the shield of faith? its written in the bible: " take up the shield of faith, with which  you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.." (eph 6:16) so, its powerfull! once again, it just can work by the power of the Holy One. Have faith that God is bigger than anything in this world!thats the key!

Now i understand the meaning of the important & power of faith which shared by bro freddy during prayer meeting at GP a few month ago. actuly not just brother, there are many poeple already share about the power of Faith..i feel that the meaning of this powerful weapon will not stop here, but there are more and its like a hidden treasure that i have to seek and find more deeper in the long as u havent feel and experience it by ur own self, u will never get the exact meaning wat i am talking about..heehee:)

Now, i believe that the power of the holy spirit revealed the meaning of the power of faith to me,  yes the key is to believe. when we pray, we need faith to believe that God will answer our prayer... to get the salvation, we need to believe that God has give HIS Son JESUS to died for our sin... even to do anything small or big we need faith! to reach any destination, we used our faith to believe that we will reach our destination. FAITH will push you to move forward!! if you dont have faith, fear will overcome and its stop your step to move forward... sure, u dont want to be like dat.

" but the man who has doubts is condemmed if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and evrything that does not come from faith is sin." {rome 14:23}

see....the bible relate faith with a small act...<eating>... to eat something also we need faith???.... oh how much more we need faith to do something big??.....have attention on diz: "anything u do out of faith is SIN". lastly, also keep diz in your mind & heart.. the bible also written, faith without any action is dead!!.... so not just believe but do, in evrything you do... have faith & be strong! ^-^

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.." [hebrews 11:1]

" and without faith it is impossible to pleased God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exist and that he rewards those who earneslty seek Him."
[hebrews 11:6]

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