Wednesday, July 13, 2011


yesterday story.. Praise the Lord! everything was done, house cleaned up, food was ready, the kids sleeping.. now its my time!! nothing to do, so i went to my room and turn on my laptop...searching for a movie..hehe... 0-o,...lots of movies copied from my frends...but only one movie that i'm captivated by its story.. its "THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA"... yes, again for 3rd time i think.. i watch diz movie...haha.. i dont know la..i superlike diz movie.. know why? i love the way they delivered a message from diz movie... actually, if u realize the massage was not an ordinary message... but, it touched spiritually [diz wat i felt personally after i  finish watching it] so, i love to share it^-^

from diz movie I've learned about: *temptation, *faith, * purpose, *envy& jealousy,....

lets talk about TEMPTATION & FAITH, a script said by Coriakin {one of the characters}: 
" it will do everything in it's power to tempt you, be strong. don't fall into temptations. To defeat the darkness out there, you must defeat the darkness inside yourself..."
wow i love it,  yes its true.. temptation can be in the term of lust, money, hatred, power to rule...many more...the world & evil, try  harder to defeat us because they didn't like us to come to the Father, they want to steal us to be one of them. But, it would not happen because Jesus has died for us & now we got authority to defeat them. In the first Narnia, Aslan(the lion) was sacrificed to save the Kingdom of Narnia, for that Lucy & Edmund put a hope & faith to Aslan which they believe that Aslan will help them to fight the enemy even though they cannot see Aslan, but their Faith has brings victory!! so, be strong when you are tempted. just Hold on to your Faith.
" ..God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted. he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.." [1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV]

Ok, now lets move on to PURPOSE , look at the boy. his name is Eustace, Lucy' & Edmund's cousin. Eustace kind of mmm annoying, selfish, never stop talking & owez defend his own self :)uhu! honestly, my first perception  about diz boy was diz boy will do nothing & useless because of his bad attitude.... But, u know.. he is chosen to be one of the rescuer. well, he never know it & started to blame his cousin for bringing him to the unbelievable world.

later, while this boy was walking alone at the island where they'll stuck, he found a place that full of treasure, but unfortunately, a spell attacking him and turn him into... a dragon! wow thats awesome! haha..:D
 at the end of this story, Eustace was the one who put the last 7 sword to break the spell which covered the entire kingdom.  
 haha.. now we see.. from annoying boy... became the one who save the kingdom?? unbelievable!!:D

So, now maybe you didn't know why you are here today or why all those people being part of your life story?  but GOD knows..wherever you are standing right now...  GOD has HIS own purpose for you, and surely for His Glory to be appear and to give you bright future, not just for you but also to the people around you.... you might not understand, but if you seek HIM and know Him... you will understand:)

Next is JEALOUSY&ENVY, you are said to be jealous or envy when you have the feeling of wanting to be in the same situation as somebody else.. or you want to have what others has. This situation happened to Lucy. she not satisfied with her beauty or look. she feel that her sister is more beautiful until she want to be just like her sister. 
she found  a spell which help her to reveal the person who she want to be. bad dream appeared after she read the spell, and Aslan came and talk to her.. 
i like the dialog between Lucy's and Aslan after what Lucy did for herself. 
Aslan: what have you done child?
Lucy: i don't know, but that was awful.
Aslan: but you chose it, lucy.
Lucy: i didn't mean to choose all that. I just wanted to be as beautiful like Susan.
Aslan: You wished yourself away, and with it, much more. your brothers and sister wouldn't know Narnia without you, Lucy. You discovered it first, remember?
Lucy: I'm so sorry.
Aslan: you doubt your value, don't run from who you are.

"don't run from who you are"... oh,i love this statement! its true... GOD, just love the way who we are.. HE didn't want us to be somebody else, because HE created us wonderfully , HE love just the way who we are.. if we try to be somebody else, we might delay GOD purpose in our life...  you are special just the way you are:)

wow, long story huh..;D haha.. anyway, diz movie is awesome.. better watch it if you haven't watch ... no regret:) but blessed! Praise the Lord. looking forward for the next Narnia ^-^ have a bless day.


  1. hahahaha....balik2 jg ko tgk tu movie sue..

  2. yaa ken.. klo tda sda movie yg sa mo tguk itu la yg movie pilihan sa haha..ndk pandai boring tguk tu...:D


thank you for your response,God bless you^-^V


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