Saturday, July 16, 2011


God always give me a great day, i will not realize it if He is not working on me. but because HE does, even though it was a hot day, i still feel it is great day>thank You Lord, that's my God, always make things unusual.i love HIM so much;) 

yes, it was a very very hot day today, its not the same like the day before. today i just can't be still with the heat in my room. it was 4.00 pm, and still hot... ow, then i did complain it on twitter. hahaha:D.... then i closed my laptop and try to take some rest (meaning..go to sleep) hihi... then i said to the Lord : "Lord, let there be a rain"....i closed my eyes... almost fall into deep sleep... then suddently... "dummm..dumm...dummm..shhhhhhhhhissssss".... "is it a rain???" ohh, its raining outside!!! ohhhh, AWESOME GOD!!;D You did hear my prayer. haha can't says a words anymore... just, amazed and thankful for the rain....oh, this is a great day!!our GOD is an awesome God! Halleluyah! 

diz story is not just stop there, while it was raining outside, suddenly God remind me about the story of the prophet of Elijah. did you ever read about it?  i read it a few weeks ago, and i tell you, his story was powerful! Elijah showed, how powerful is the Faith if we put our FAITH to believe the GOD of Israel. which is the same God... with us, today!
James said in the bible:

"Elijah was a man just like us, He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops." - james 5:17-18

there's another word which i will says the words that full of faith, Elijah said to Ahab a king of Israel which did evil in the eyes of the Lord, he said: 
" As the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word." - 1 king 17:1 
wow! " no rain??except at my word??" thats a bigggg faith!!! 

so Elijah is a man just like us... a dust... but can do such a miracle? how can it be??... the answer is FAITH. He totally=100% believe that GOD can do anything he ask in Faith & i believe his close relationship with GOD also the key which gave him such a powerful faith to believe, because he knows.. really2 knows who is the GOD that he served, until he has no doubt at all. And once again i remind you HE is the same GOD today!!  i love the story which written on the old testament about Elijah [1 king 18:16-46] click diz link to the bible verse:
 it change me a lot after i read it.... you batter take your time to read it, i pray so that u will accept by your spirit on wat the HolySpirit will says to you through the words. GOD bless & b with u. amen.^-^

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