Friday, July 1, 2011

you are special

punchinello's story is written by Max Lucado in his book, "You are special." i haven't read his book yet, but i found diz video, and it tell a lot about the story, i love it and it touched. i hope i can have 1 next time ^-^  just enjoy watching diz video and learn something from it., oh, before i forget, please pray first before u watch it.God bless :)

YES, you are special. Whoever you are, whatever it is, and what ever weaknesses you have, you are still special. well, i'm not talking about being special in human eyes, but the great thing is that, you are special in God sight. WOW! is it God? almighty God? that created this whole universe? Yes He is. I call Him "Daddy God", who gave His only son Jesus to died for us, just because He so loves us and because we are so special for Him, furthermore, HE made you with no mistake at all....  so don't be sad when you feel you are so nothing to other, its just your feeling dear:) i ever feel it before, not once, but many time. but i praise the Lord, because HE taught me to overcome all the feeling, it happened when i surrender to His will and His perfect plan in my life, and i let go everything that seem bad in me. so, now i can accept just who i am and let God be everything in me:) 

maybe people can judge u, and they can talk anything about u. but, only God know the truth, because only HIM can see throughly in your heart. "clearly"! because He made your heart too;) He made us soo special, just like when a man baking a cake for his family, of coz he try his very best to bake a very beautiful and delicious and special cake ever, just to make his family happy. same like God, but He is perfect, He made you for a great purpose not to harm u, i'm sure HE want you to bring HIS love's with the happiness, peace, hope and joy to the world. maybe you see your self  hopeless, but hey, a great change & great transformation will happen  in your family, church ,school, even your country, through u when u believe that God is everything in u....
u & I are special because God made us wonderfully, and because Jesus Christ live in u & me....God bless:)

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,    "plans prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future..." - jeremiah 29:11

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