Tuesday, July 19, 2011

wat a babysitter do??...

ummpp...quite a tired day yesterday.  my sister and I went to the top of the hill which located near to our living place... for wat?? >>jogging<< haha..i thank God because i still enjoy my day. well, i still love my yesterday..God always made my day so beautiful and intresting in any situation!!...since May i was in my semester break until this september. so during this holiday.. thats my job... babysitting my 3 nephews... so, i am a babysitter..heehee...i tell u.. its not easy... my nephews is 2 years old and, they are active.. ermm not active but hyperactive!!..sometime i just have to really control my emotion, if not i just can explode!! during my first week to do this job.. i just want to give up....i got emotional distraction bcause of this kids  hahaha.... but, after almost 2 months do the same work.. i think haha... not to say expert .. but

i've learn how to working with this kids... actully its fun ^--^.. the key is.. just be like the children, meaning u hv to know them.. wat they like.. wat they didnt like...make your self enjoyed on wat they like to do....and be a teacher who always teach them wat is right & wat is wrong...if they did somthing wrong, please dont just be quite.. but, sometime u have to scold them n give  punishment...and i think the biggest thing to keep in my heart is PATIENT & LOVE. :D...dats a little bit about wat a babysitter do.....^---^

yesterday my nephews 
ask me to join them to build a house for their toys...a house?? yes build a house using a sponge thing...haha:p well, for kids a house means a lot for them.. they have very interesting and creative idea to build it... so, i try to follow them:D

ok..great... a house in my room..huhuhu(x-X)!!

this is my nephews.. ESTHER GRACE.. she was too busy to build a house. heehee

Esther said: " anti tengok saya sudah buat rumah untuk diorang"...^-^

oh, the other little boy is GLENN ISIAH..

emm, they  discussing about something....haha..

i think that's their point of discussion.. both can be in the same house..haahaa:D

cute little boy!!.. i told him to give me the very hansom smile...haha that's it..

actually,i've learn many things from this kids... i learn to be patient, especially when they're so stubborn, didn't want to listen on Wat i told them to do.. when i say don't, they didn't want to hear me, until i punished them.. then they will listen to me..:D and one more thing, wat i like about this kids is..they always say the truth... they always being honest... when they hurt, they just cry... and tell me the truth... that make me easier comforting them..... they just never pretending...  and they really love to learn something new... they really enjoyed learning ^--^

and the most wonderful things i learned from this kids is... they remind me about God's heart.... every time when they did something to me, made me angry.i was reminded about God.... i heard a voice deep inside my heart tell me : " you just like this kids... sometime u are stubborn... but God is patient... He never give up on u but HE keep teach you with love.."... after i heard that voice i stuck for while... and then i start to learn how to be patient... like Father did to me...:)
 have a bless day all^-^V

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