Monday, July 11, 2011

The Armor of God

i ever blamed others when i fall into temptation, when i get into problem or trouble. i ever said: " o its all because of the person i fall into this trouble"... i point to a things, i blame that and this... without realizing the truth that God has taught me in the bible...huh!EGO [ Edging God out ] thats who i am at that time.. heehee.... and i ever ask God: "why??why? i fall into this temptation?? ooo God help me!!" ahaha.. if u see my face at that time.. o no, u will see an ugly face wit a tears from eyes and nose...hahaha...but actualy, i cannot blame anybody because the end results  is base on wat i chooses.  so if i know the end result is not good and bring disaster in my life, i can resist to choose the wrong direction or in other way just follow it and take the end result. so wat can i say? hoho o_O.... but there's one thing that i've learned from the bible... why most of the time i choose the wrong path??and fall into temptation?? i think i know why... its because i forgot to wear the full armor of God....  

This is the truth from the bible: Ephesians 6: 12-18 written,
"for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the power of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. stand firm then,with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. in addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. and pray in the spirit on all occasionss with all kinds of prayers and requests.

so, it is not just because of the person, but its begin from the "unseen" things which only can be seen and feel spiritually....fight with the "unseen" we have to wear the full Armor of GOD and only by the Mighty ONE POWER ...let us examine our self... are we wearing the full armor of God today? or we just neglected one of the Armor?.... 

Recently, i read a book about the battle of life by Jesse Duplantis. His book is just simple but has taught me a lot about the battle that i'am facing in my life. Most people are in a battle because the world is full of trouble. well, if you ever think that you are Christian you will not get into are wrong! totally wrong. Furthermore, our Lord Jesus never said that you will never get into problem or circumstance in your life, but HE did said "be strong"  and  He said," blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.." [ James 1: 12 NIV] 

So, there will be trial or circumstance in our life, but do not worry because in [1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV]written : " ..God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted. he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.." so, just hold on to Jesus and fight it with faith and all armor that God gave us. 

Jesse Duplantis also stated that, The battle may not be your choices, but the outcome is! for the first time i read the sentence i just dont get the meaning. but after i read further, now i understand... by using David as a model. yea, who like be in the battle? maybe just a few person will say yes. but we have to accept the reality that we know that there will be battle in our life, meaning that we cannot just stay there and do nothing like waiting the enemy to kill us? or you choose to run from your enemy?? o no, it will keep chasing you.... unless you go facing your giant or enemy and kill it. like wat David did when He was facing Goliath. 

Its true that we might not choose to be in the battle, but we still have to facing it and gain victory in our life in Jesus mighty name!! if not we just put our self under the enemy control. maybe you think you are small, but with God, Nothing is impossible!! you have to be really strong to be in the battle, you cannot fight without any preparation, or you will be die. so thats why we need to put on the full ARMOR of GOD!!  who are the enemies??.... the devil! the BIG liar!! he started by whispering and bring you to doubt about God words and HIS promised to you, making you stress, self pity, hate, inpatient, unforgivable, unloving, making trouble, choose to do sin.... the devil lead you to choose the fruit of flesh that will set you apart  from GOD. but remember the devil is an enemy of God. He hates God and attacks His children to hurt the FATHER. keep in our heart and mind that, Jesus already died for us and we have been given authority over the devil. Fight the devil with all Armour of God = by faith, words of GOD,& Prayer. amen.


  1. amen su....its not coincidence that i opened ur blog today...yesterday i read through the mobile bible and i saw James 1.12 too... Its really hard for me now, i made a few wrong choices and im so messed up... and im afraid of whats going on next... pray for me... thx :)

  2. praise the Lord..dont worry & no fear geng, everything will be fine with Jesus :) just believe n hold on to Jesus :) will pray 4 u... be strong....k^_^

  3. God's Love for you will never change..


thank you for your response,God bless you^-^V


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